company news

Company News

Updates, achievements and information.

Just two, not fifty-two.

May 11, 2023

At Like Technologies, there’s not a lot we say no to. Often, an existing client will ask us to reproduce a product and our answer will be along the lines of, “let’s take a look first, but yes, I’m sure we’ll be able to help you.” In the most recent…

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Sustainability at Like Technologies

What does Sustainability mean to us?

April 19, 2023

Sustainability is frequently mentioned in mainstream media and businesses continue to be asked what it means for them. Questions are also asked in the supply chain, meaning it has rightly moved up the ladder of priorities. At a recent business event, whilst in conversation with another business owner they casually said; “…well that’s what you’ve always been…

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£5K Raised for North West Air Ambulance Charity!

April 7, 2023

Did we tell you that we raised £2322.35 from our quiz night at Lancaster Brewery in February this year? Each financial year Like Technologies chooses a charity partner and for 2022/23 it was North West Air Ambulance Charity. Over the past (financial) year we’ve taken part in the cross bay walk, ran a virtual marathon, hosted…

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Industrial Cyber Security

March 16, 2023

In the office, we’ve been talking about the ways we can promote the work of our IS team. They’re the people that focus on the software side of the business. Working on a variety of projects, many of which we can’t openly discuss, it reminded us of the importance of…

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Silicon as it appears in the periodic table on a yellow background.

Why is silicon one of the most useful elements?

February 9, 2023

A piece of high school Chemistry homework led to an in-depth exploration of the element silicon last month. Tasked with creating a leaflet about an element, Silicon was perhaps not the obvious choice but it was a learning experience for both the student, and the parent. Silicon was discovered by…

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A photo of people walking on Morecambe Bay to raise money for North West Air Ambulance

Fundraising for North West Air Ambulance

January 4, 2023

In April we announced our charity partner for the next (financial) year. Following on from fundraising for Bay Search and Rescue, we started to support another life-saving charity, North West Air Ambulance. The charity provide advanced medical crew and equipment to patients when they need it most and are fully-funded…

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What is…?

December 8, 2022

At Like Technologies, we like it when people ask questions, it’s something we actively encourage across our engineering, administration and leadership teams. Here, we’ve summarised the most common questions you’ve searched for (and found) on our website in 2022. What is the Difference Between Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering? Re-engineering and…

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Image shows a meeting room where people are sat down listening to Kate Houlden from Like Technologies speak at the recent ElecTech event

Challenges and opportunities within ElecTech

November 23, 2022

We’re members of the ElecTech Innovation Cluster and attended their recent event held at Lancaster and Morecambe College on 20th October, 2022. With a room full of people who actively work within or support the ElecTech sector, we were invited to participate in a lightning round. We used the opportunity…

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Halton Lune Hydro Tour

Discovery through curiosity

October 15, 2022

During a lunchtime river walk, one of our engineers noticed a door was open to a building he often passes. A brief conversation led to an invite from Brian Jefferson to the Like Technologies team to come and visit Halton Lune Hydro.   This community-powered hydro, located just a short…

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